obesity acupressure

Acupressure is used to relive a variety of symptoms and pain. Acupressure is like touch therapy which uses principles of both acupuncture as well as Chinese medicine. In acupressure, the same points on the body are used as in acupuncture that are stimulated with figure pressure rather than inserting needles. It is a drugless and a safe treatment that stimulates blood and the nervous system of the body. It is based on the scientific technique of massage and pressure and has preventive and curative effect. 

It is believed that all the organs, glands and systems of our body are reflected in our hands and feet that are allocated certain. When a certain amount of pressure is applied on these specific points there is a normal flow of energy called “chi” that helps in strengthening, calming or removing a blockage of the flow. This not only helps in curing diseases but also helps in the maintenance of good health and beauty. 

Acupressure is known by many names in different parts of the world, like Acupressure without needless, concentrated massage, Shiastu, Pointed Pressure Therapy, Zone Therapy, Reflexology and many others. 


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